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How to Decipher FICO Scores

Payment History accounts for 35 percent. That’s the biggest factor, so people who are getting deeper in debt each month may still pay their credit cards on time. Check out the Available Credit summary. Once it gets used up nobody gets paid on time. Debt accounts for 30 percent. How much is owed and how much […]

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Identity Theft Is More Common Than You Might Think

Government figures compiled by the Bureau of Justice Statistics claim that  in 2012 one out of every fourteen adults was the victim of identity theft. While this is disquieting in itself, it raises a red flag for all Apartments or Companies who need to know their prospects. This crime is rarely reported to the Police. Ninety percent of […]

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Changing Government Regulations Affect Original Creditors

New rules may include restrictions on how a debtor is contacted and require accurate and valid documentation of debts. This means a handshake is essentially a gift and a text message may be legally harassment. In general, original Creditors may be subject to the same rules as third party debt collection agencies. Why the changes? […]

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In-House Collections, Get Ready for Important Changes

Are you sure your Customers are who they say they are? Are you sure they agreed to your sales conditions? If not, there is likely trouble in your future! There are some significant changes that are being considered by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect the public. Collection Agencies have had to deal with these regulations for […]

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Partnering With Debt Collection and Screening Experts Saves Big

Email, Meetings and disruptions take a huge bite out of the typical employees work day. According to an Article published showing statistics gathered by Atlassian the cost is high, usually much higher than outsourcing. The average employee gets 304 emails weekly. And check email about every 20 minutes. It also takes about 16 minutes for the […]

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Be Careful When Rejecting Tenants On Criminal History

It may not be a problem at this very moment, but there seems to be a strong political movement to keep Landlords from using older criminal records as a reason to reject prospective Tenants. In a recent settlement in the state of Washington, 273 rejected tenants received a cash settlement because they were rejected on […]

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What is the Real Value of Facebook in Applicant Screening?

You have an prospective new Tenant or Employee to evaluate. Facebook pages can tell you a lot about their social interaction. What, however, does it mean if the Screening Applicant brags about drinking his best friend under the table or complains about his Mother-in-Law? You may want to know what’s on the Applicant’s mind, but what […]

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Employment Background Checks And The Law

Nobody wants to break the law. Nobody wants to hire the wrong Employee, either. While there is no single government agency responsible for all the laws effecting employment applicant screening, the government does provide a nice list of what you need for each part of the employment screening process. You need to worry about breaking […]