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Growing Economy Will Change Your Applicant Screening Process

Top economic experts predict substantial growth in the US economy for 2015. New jobs will rise at about three hundred thousand per month leading to increased wages and more spending. That, in turn will lead to increased real estate values. In addition, interest rates will remain historically low, at least for the first half of […]

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Swipe and Sign Credit Card Payments Will Soon Be History

Credit Card fraud is becoming a gigantic problem in the United States. It doesn’t take much to steal credit card information including a signature. All it takes is a simple smart phone scanner or even just a pen and piece of paper. The Debt Collection industry has been aware of the problem for years because […]

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Study Shows Employee Theft Primarily Used To Improve Life Style

A recent study of 314 small businesses on employee theft indicates that most employees caught stealing are fired with no attempt made by the employer to press criminal charges and obtain restitution for their business loses. In fact, 64 % of small businesses experienced employee theft but only 16% of these thefts were reported to […]

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Settle or Sue: Examining the Numbers

Many debtors will offer less than the full debt to settle an account. As a Creditor, you have a decision to make. Without knowing what to expect from litigation, it is virtually impossible to make that decision on anything other than emotion. Your decision may feel good, but will it make your more money? Let’s […]

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In The Best Economy in 8 Years Consumer Debt Could Still Cause You Pain

The economy is improving with more jobs and less unemployment than any time in 8 years, but the changing landscape of consumer debt is a black cloud on the horizon you need to understand. A large part of the cause is stagnant wages as American workers continue to get less for increased productivity. There has […]

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Improved Search Capability Changes Handling of Judgments

In the past, there weren’t many options for action if you obtained a Judgment and couldn’t find a place of Employment or Bank Account. Most of the time docketing the Judgment to put a lien on property was about it. Over the years, however, locating employment or bank accounts has become easier and less expensive. […]

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The Mythology of Legal Action Against a Debt Collector

I n short, the primary beneficiaries of such suits are the Attorneys, but the actual consumer may be surprised to find out how these suits affect them. Some Attorneys use the inconsistent state and federal consumer protection laws. These Attorneys look for fast settlements because the Collection Agency will have to spend much more money […]