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5 Ways to Get More Money From Your Debt Collection Agency

These 5 steps take very little time but pay large dividends for your bottom line results. Not only will they increase your Collection Agency’s results significantly, they will also make it much easier for you to deal with your late paying customers. In this case, a penny saved is a dollar earned. ABOUT EXECUTIVE CREDIT […]

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ECM at NJAA Conference Booth 821

Executive Credit Management, Inc. will be at Booth 821 for the New Jersey Apartment Association (NJAA) Conference, May 21 – 23 in Atlantic City Details here: link The New Jersey Apartment Association convention is still six weeks away, but we are eagerly preparing to meet our Realty Management Clients and discuss new developments in Debt Collection and Applicant […]

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Getting a debtors attention with your in house debt collection program

The frustration comes from all those debtors who don’t seem to do much of anything. The problem is, debtors don’t seem to answer their phone. They are always busy or away. Frankly, many of them are trying to avoid you at all costs. Getting someone’s attention is a SALES problem and, even if we have nothing to do with sales, we […]

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Avoid Social Security Number Fraud in Screening

The 3 second free solution for Social Security Number Fraud In Employment or Tenant Screening Sometimes, Tenant or Employment Screening gets easy. Sometimes you get your answer as clear and obvious as fireworks. Sometimes, you see, applicants fake their social security number on your application because they know no report is better than a bad report. […]

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The Dangers of Blanks in Your Tenant or Employment Application

Blanks in Your Tenant or Employment Application Can KILL You What’s the big deal? An empty space or two, perhaps some scribbled answers, what’s the difference? The answer is that these common Tenant Screening or Employment application problems don’t simply mean that some of the requested information is missing or illegible but have more sinister implications. You need to […]

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Easiest Way to Improve Debt Collection Results

Guarantors frequently consider their guarantee terminal. Unfortunately, the courts increasingly agree. The problem, however, is easy to fix. It is all in the wording of the Guarantee paragraph in the contract/lease. There are two ways to deal with this problem. If you can, clearly state in your contract that it is in effect for the […]

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Seeing is not believing in credit reports – NJ Premier Debt Collection Agency

Seeing is believing but, in credit reports, it isn’t always correct If you were told to watch a 30 second video of people in a circle passing a basketball back and forth and you were counting the number of passes, would you notice a large Gorilla walk into the middle of the circle, pound his […]

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Executive Credit Management, Inc. Announces a New Web Portal

Executive Credit Management, Inc. is a full-service Debt Collection and Applicant Screening agency with over 20 years experience located in New Jersey that serves the entire country. We specialize in debt recovery and background checking to help your business succeed. March 5th 2013, We are proud to announce the release of our newly redesigned website. Finally, […]

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3 Employment Screening Secrets

We all hire employees. They are very important to us, yet we frequently know less about them than we do about our cell phone. Choosing a bad phone will only cost a few hundred dollars and some limited aggravation and little damage. A bad Employee, however, can cost you dearly. Criminal History: Some applicants hide behind […]