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Confessions of a Debt Collector: Getting Positive Results

Bad things happen out there in the real world. People lose their jobs, get seriously ill or are knocked down by any number of financially destructive problems. They don’t usually cause the problem and don’t expect it, but they are out there and they hit fast and hard. Like so many other people, I have […]

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Negotiating with Debtors: More Aggravation Equals More Money

One of the most difficult jobs of a Debt Collector is dealing with a person who does not feel they should pay the entire debt. Sometimes they feel some parts of the bill were exaggerated or ‘unfair’ to them. Unfair is a very common word in my conversations. It doesn’t help to resolve anything because […]

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Personal Evaluation less Valuable Then Hard Data in Employee Screening

Most Companies use a two stage hiring practice. First they evaluate each applicant with a test specifically designed to measure the Applicant’s suitability for a position in the company. While applicants often try to guess as to the answers the Company is looking for, new tests do a good job of hiding obvious questions with […]

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2016 Collection Law Changes

Expect more State laws requiring detailed documentation for all debt collection efforts. If an effort is being made to collect a debt they collector will be required to provide the consumer with complete documentation clearly showing why every dollar of the bill is part of the claim. The Debt Collector will be held liable if […]

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Confessions of a Debt Collector: Being Blind and Deaf Teaches Value of Kindness

I am a Debt Collector. I have nothing to sell you and no reason to hurt you. What I have is a few ideas that should help you deal with a Debt Collection Letter or call. I don’t know everything, but I have no reason to hide the truth. First, some web sites are very […]

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6 Checks that Take 5 Minutes Will Cut Unpaid Rent in Half

1. Contact Human Resources Applicants know they need to show you they have a job to obtain one of your apartments. They don’t actually need to HAVE a job, just show one on the application. About five percent of applicants greatly exaggerate their income and an additional 5 percent lie. It is easy to create […]

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Why Collection Are Rates So Low For Medical Collections

There are good reasons for low debt collection rates on Medical bills. The most significant is that a very large portion of those owing Medical bills may have the desire but do not have the ability to pay their Medical debt. The American Collection Association reports that about 15% of Hospital debt is collected and […]

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Good Co-signer Credit Isn’t Enough

Good credit and employment are the foundation for positive outcomes in credit decisions. Employment demonstrates the ability to make payments. Good credit demonstrates the ability make those payments on time. Nobody will argue that good credit and a Job are good for credit. They will only work, however, if they both belong to the same […]