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Negligent Hiring Suits Become More Common

I recently noted articles indicating Federal suits against companies for discrimination because they used Criminal Background Checks for Employee Screening. I noted that these suits would probably not succeed. This is extremely important to every Employer because Employers need to know if an Applicant could get them into a future legal mess. The Courts are holding […]

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Fixed Fee vs Contingent Debt Collection

Fixed Fee letters are an inexpensive method of debt collection. Usually, the total cost of purchasing Fixed Fee Letters comes out to less than five percent for this service. In addition, collection ratios are usually over 40%. The service has some huge upside, but is isn’t for all clients in all situations. The Fixed Fee Debt Collection service […]

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Federal Trade Commission Advice Can Also Help Employers

In an FTC article informing Applicants what will happen when an Employer performs a Background Check, there is a lot of information you can use to improve the level of screening. If, for example, you only look for Collection accounts, Judgments and the FICO score, you are missing helpful pieces of information. Prominently mentioned is […]

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A Debtor Until Proven Otherwise?

Document your transactions if you expect a Collection Agency to ever collect the bill. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act clearly holds you responsible to verify all debts. Who is responsible to prove that a debt is valid? Government agencies and attorneys who make their living on debt collection errors are becoming increasingly aware of collection […]

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Are You Breaking the Law with Background Checks?

Criminal Background Checks can be a valuable tool in Employee screening. The Federal Government, however, may be cracking down on the use of these reports to discriminate against minority applicants. You should read the following article and review your report evaluation procedures. If you’re like me, you have been using Criminal Background Checks as a […]

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Facebook Background Checks?

You can learn a lot about a prospective Employee with a routine search of social media.  You can find out about the Applicant’s private life, friends and opinions.  The information might be valuable in your assessment of the Applicants viability.  It doesn’t cost anything, the sites are public and you are not breaking any laws […]

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Is Bankruptcy The Best Option?

Bankruptcy is a commonly recommended solution for the resolution of unpaid bills. A number of my blogs deal with protecting yourself from applicants on the verge of bankruptcy but this article will give you some insight into the current Bankruptcy advice available on the Web. ABOUT EXECUTIVE CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. Executive Credit Management is […]

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Will a Debt Collection for $10 Hurt Your Credit?

Will a Debt Collection for $10 hurt Credit? This compelling article from the Los Angeles Times explains how a debt of $8 is just as damaging as a collection of $5,000. The following article also explains in detail why you might want to send more of your small debts out for debt collection. Whether you are collecting […]

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Medical Debt Collection Improvement Techniques

This article presents specific actions a patient should take to resolve unpaid bills BEFORE they go to Debt Collection. Medical practices should share this information with their patients to improve patient relations and lower debt collection costs. Realty Managers would also profit by reworking these basic non-payment problems into rental terms. ABOUT EXECUTIVE CREDIT […]