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6 Checks that Take 5 Minutes Will Cut Unpaid Rent in Half

1. Contact Human Resources Applicants know they need to show you they have a job to obtain one of your apartments. They don’t actually need to HAVE a job, just show one on the application. About five percent of applicants greatly exaggerate their income and an additional 5 percent lie. It is easy to create […]

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Due Process is Completely Ignored in New York Closing Down Collection Agency

Some collection agencies have been charged with violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. In fact, I would say all agencies have experienced law suits for such alleged violations. Most of them are from a small number of large law firms specializing in going after agencies. They know there is no need for their […]

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Hide and Sneak FTC and Unclear Advertising

The FTC is a Federal Government organization that, among other things, monitors web sites to make sure there is no false or misleading advertising. This often comes in the form of something offered for FREE while there are actually strings attached that make the offer something less than free. Rather than state the strings attached, […]

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Retrieving Lost Money Requires a Cool Hand

An unpaid bill is lost money. It is taken away from your bottom line in its entirety. It not only hurts financially, but also may sting from the debtor’s betrayal of your agreement. Some debtors may have lied to you, abused your good faith or abused your lack of diligence in checking them out carefully. […]

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How to Force Payments Using the Courts

It isn’t easy. It isn’t quick. It most certainly isn’t a guarantee of getting paid. In many cases, however, it is the only option. You need to balance the possibility of getting paid against all the time, work and frustration involved. If somebody owes you money and refuses to pay the first step is to […]

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How to Force Payments Using the Courts

It isn’t easy. It isn’t quick. It most certainly isn’t a guarantee of getting paid. In many cases, however, it is the only option. You need to balance the possibility of getting paid against all the time, work and frustration involved. If somebody owes you money and refuses to pay the first step is to […]