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Adding Screening to Collections Equals Results

In a statistical analysis based on 10 years of representative Realty Management Client, we have obtained some clear and obvious relationships between how a Client checks out a prospect and how much the Client gets back from the Debt Collection effort. Today, I will show the differences between the best and worst screening and how […]

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Update Co-Signer Agreements and Win in Court

Even if Laws don’t change, how the Courts interpret laws is in a constant state of flux. Defense Attorneys are always looking for something new and, once they find it, every company that wants to win in court has to make changes or prepare to start losing cases. You work hard to check out a […]

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National Background Checks Are Your Best Option

Should you get a NJ Background Check for New Jersey residents? How about PA Background Checks for Pennsylvania Residents or NY Background Checks for Residents of New York? Sometimes local information is complete and relatively reliable, but people tend to move around. You could check every State the Applicant has ever lived in along with […]

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Get More from your Medical Debt Collection

If you handle Medical billing you know you will have a high percentage of un-collectible bills. While this is a problem that won’t completely go away, there are a few simple things you can do to significantly increase the amount of money you get back on your unpaid bills, either through your billing procedure or through […]

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Body Language and Applicant Screening

I recently attended a presentation on the value of knowing body language. The speaker was well known from her book and frequent guest appearances on talk shows. She was bright, entertaining and absolutely convincing that knowing body language would allow the audience to know when an applicant was lying. She showed films of answers with […]

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Better Tenants and More Money in 3 Steps

Three steps, not much work, large benefits. Absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. 1: Screening First, take a look at your tenant screening process. We all want quick and easy but taking an extra minute or two can save you thousands of dollars. Credit scores are simply not accurate enough to determine the […]

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3 Bits of Information To Double Medical Bills Collections

It doesn’t take much to dramatically increase the results you get from your debt collection agency. Three bits of information could double your returns in Medical Debt Collection. You first have to find the correct patient before you can even start the medical bills collections process. People move a lot, so every month a few percent […]